The Great North


elk 2
In this blog I’ve turned my lens to my home in Canada to capture some of the spectacular native wildlife.

When dealing with any wildlife safety and caution are advised, the same techniques I use on safari in Africa come in useful here. In this situation my main challenge was lighting due to the vegetation. Typically I shoot in open savannah or with animals under small bushes. Here tall trees with thick foliage block much of the natural light. So positioning to capture dappled light and a fast lens become essential.

Wolf 1fawn 1Black Bear 2

I use a 80-200 (2.8) and a 200-400 (4.0) wide open or a stop closed down for better optical clarity
Hand holding both these lenses can be difficult so my iso was mostly around 400 to allow for a shutter speed in the 1/500 region.
Black Bear 1
Wolf 2

I actually found the grey wolves to be more threatening than any African species I’ve encountered. I think this is due to their pack mentality, large group size and fast speed. Surrounded by a pack of wild dogs would be the closest safari comparison. They also stare uninterrupted at you whereas most of the big cats loose interest after a few seconds.

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elk 1

three wolves

wold 3

baby boar




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